Wednesday 12 August 2015


Tutorial setting Dummy Sprite

To Setting Auto Train Troops , click the locate and then click barrack us .. setting up all the barrack and clan castle completed . then click here

These troops to setting any kind that we want to make , here I am his example Ba : Barbarian , AR : Arcer , Go : Goblin.
It For setting Auto Search criteria we want to attack the enemy 
This is an additional setting , the example here I skip the Wizard Tower above level 5 , and Skip inferno Tower.
Attention: Ensure that there is no other floating windows on your cellphone before you run the clash of clans robot,otherwise, the identification may be affected.
If the display shows waiting, please restart the Dummysprite and check settings (on top right corner) to see whether the screenshot shows black, and then restart the clash of clans robot
Please locate your building position, and choose the grade of your Hall as well as the quantity of your training camp before you use the clash of clans robot.

1 How to halt the robot?
Click the barbarian icon on the left side of navigation bar. Please wait till robot done its job
2 Auto-Donate
Donate selected troops according to the order.
3 Auto-Searching
Any: means meet one requirement will be acceptable.
All: it must meet three requirements.
Total: the sum of exlixir and gold must exceeds the number you set.
It is recommended to set Total mode with gold (110000)and exlixir (110000) respectively.
<1> : the searching requirements will be lowered once the searching surpass your setting frequency.
<2> Send troop delay:the interval between sending troops.
<3> Lost connection restart countdown: Robot will restart the coc after countdown timed out of lost connection
4 Auto-Farm
4.1 Default
<1> Ba+Ar
<2> Bar+Ar2
Attack with extra bombs.
<3> Gi+Bo
<4> Ba+Hog
<5> Ba+Mi
<6> Custom: see 4.2
4.2 Custom recommendation
<1> Bar+Archer
Recommended settings for default
(1)Attack: 102201213402015
<2> Bar+Archer+Giant
Only recommended if you have giants
(2)Direction: 1
4.3 Custom of Auto-Train
<1> Average trainning: assign your soldiers equally to each camp.
You can set two different productionprograms under Average production mode and then choose one to use. Remember toset 0 to the arms that you don’t need.
For example: If you own a barrack whose volume is 200people, and you want to produce 60 barbarians, 100 archers, and 8 giants. Thenplease set your first production program as follows: barbarians: 60, archers:100 and giants: 8. Please set 0 to the rest arms options. You can set twoproduction programs and use them alternatively.
<2> Single trainning: Each camp is responsible for one arms.
4.4 Custom of Auto-Farm
<1>Arms Allocation: set your arms and their order in Auto-Farm mode
The meaning of numbers are shown as follows, 0 stands for the interval time, one 0 for one second.
For example: you created barbarians, archers and giants. In accordance with your fight order schedule, barbarians is the first,followed by archers and the giants is the third. If you want the giants fight first, barbarians second and archers third, then you can input your order like 312.
The rules of troops setting is exactly alike the allocation rules. If the King takes the fourth place in your fight orderschedule but you want to make it the first, then you can input 4321.
(1) Control the interval time; one 0 standsfor one second.
For example:If you created barbarians and archers and you want to sent barbarians first andthen archers, the interval time is 2seconds, then you can set order:1002
(2) Control the soldiers’ quantity: use Cto control soldiers’ quantity
For example:If you want to sent soldiers in the second box five people per time in randomchoice, then you can input order 2c5. You can sent at most 9 soldiers one time,if you want to sent 12 of them, please input 2c92c3.
(3) Control the method of dispatchingsoldiers: use letter B to locate the dispatching positions.
For example:If you want to sent two of soldiers in the third box at one time, then you caninput order 3b2. This method is suitable for sending bomb man.
(4) Direction settings: number 1234stands for four different directions on the map.
1 stands for upleft, 2 bottom left, 3 upright, and 4bottom right.
For example: If you want to sent two platoons ofsoldiers to the upleft first and then sent one platoon of soldiers to thebottom left. Then you can set the order 112. If you want to sent soldiers toall four directions, then set 1234.
<3> Priority
(1) Attack priority
The Auto-Fight will execute arms allocation plan insequence of four different directions if this mode was activated.
(2) Direction priority
The Auto-Farm will choose one arms first and executethe direction settings once, and then choose the next arms.
For more detailed troop-dispatching effects, please watch an auto-farm video.
You can explore and try more setting programs for other groups. It is highly important to forge a auto-fight program for yourself so as to collect money more efficient. Please do more exploration.
We sincerely hope that you can share your fighting programs and experience with other players in our official forum so as to helpmore users to use Dummysprite better.
You are encouraged to inform us your questions andsuggestions in our official forum, and we will solve your problems promptly.

Thank you for your support