Friday 2 September 2016

Beerus's Death During Future Trunks's Timeline In Dragon Ball Super

Tuesday 5 April 2016

A look at the deepest hole in the entire world

Russia is home to one of the most important landmarks in the world as far as science is concerned. One of the main reasons for this claim is because not only is the hole the deepest in the world, it has not been completely figured out yet. It is known as the Kola Superdeep Borehole.

It goes as deep as 12 kilometers as it has been drilled for up to 24 years. That is a very long time to be drilling holes. But that is not the only interesting aspect of the Kola Superdeep Borehole. The drilling only stopped because the temperature at the bottom of the hole was so high that going further deep was not feasible.

How Manual Transmissions Work! (Animation)

mussibat: How to easily clean a copper pan in less than 5 mi...

mussibat: How to easily clean a copper pan in less than 5 mi...: Cleaning a dirty copper pan can be quite frustrating at times, but not for long. This video is a quick tutorial that shows you how to cle...

How to easily clean a copper pan in less than 5 minutes

Cleaning a dirty copper pan can be quite frustrating at times, but not for long. This video is a quick tutorial that shows you how to clean a copper can both easily and very quickly.

You do not even need some miracle detergent to do this as well. All you need is some white wine vinegar and some table salt, which are arguable are one of the most common household items you can find anywhere. The video demonstrates how you can use these items to clean your copper pan in less than five minutes.

Nokia 3310 vs Hydraulic Press

Nokia 3310 vs Hydraulic Press

 It is a widely accepted fact that the Nokia 3310 is the undisputed champion of strength in the entire universe. This fact has been accepted in the society just like pizza and Plank’s constant. In this video, a Nokia 3310 is about to be put to the test, again. This time, it is to withstand a hydraulic press. Poor hydraulic press.

Here are 10 life hacks that will make your life much easier

Here are 10 life hacks that will make your life much easier


Life hacks are all about making sure your life is much more comfortable. Little things such as always knowing the exact way to twist your shower handle for optimal temperature might just be what you need to start your day off with a positive note.

There are other useful hacks as well. For example, how to use your smartphone when you have gloves on, how to easily seal a plastic bag with just your gas cooker and a knife, and even how to make your hands warm during winter with just a AAA battery and an aluminum foil.

If you would like to see more, have a look at the video we have just shared with you.


What happens when Styrofoam meets Acetone

Styrofoam is a kind material that is usually used to make food containers such as cups for example. Acetone on the other hand, is a chemical that can be found in nail polish and used in many other applications. So what happens when you bring these two together? It’s all in the video.

Ship launching at its best, here are seven of them

Ship launching is considered to be a public spectacle. In fact, some people even go out of their ways to celebrate such events. For example, ‘christening‘ is performed before launching a ship whereby a bottle of champagne is broken over the bow of the ship during the time that the ship is being named. This champagne bottle is considered as a sacrifice and is very important for some people.

Ship launches can be quite amazing as well, as the ship slides and crashes into the water proves to be such a thrill to watch. Have a look at some amazing launches.

How China demolished a 118-meter building in less than 15 seconds

On a beautiful Sunday morning in Xi’an, a city in the northwest China’s Shaanxi Province, something incredible was about to happen, a 118-meter building was about to be demolished. The building had 26 floors that was later reduced to zero in just 13 seconds.
“The operation worked quite well. For one thing the building collapsed in the correct direction and for another thing it fell down at a low height and was fully exploded. Both the noise and trembling of the demolition were under controllable range,” according to a statement by demolition expert Zhao Fuxin.

“A bar is located only seven meters away from the building and it hadn’t been affected at all. There wasn’t even a piece of stone dropping on the bar. I’m quite satisfied with the operation. It worked well,”

AMG 5.5-liter V8 Biturbo Engine

How the M-16 works and what it can do.

A brick-washing washing machine bouncing on a ,

Trampolines are fun for everyone. Literally everyone, including a washing machine that is washing bricks because why not? This video shows what happens when you not only try to wash bricks in a washing machine, but also when the washing machine is on top of a trampoline.
The video also attracted some interesting comments on Reddit such as the following.
“and that, my friends, is why I hand wash my bricks.” – KodanWingCommander
“That washing amchine is having a seizure” – lionselfie
“that is a very happy washing machine” – arebee2300

How a turbocharger works! (Animation)

Tesla Model S Races a Boeing 737 and Wins!

Tesla has been making the headlines lately with their newly unveiled affordable model 3 sedan. However Tesla’s cars aren’t just stylish, they’re actually really fast as well. As it turns out, electric motors can be faster than the jet turbines on a Quantas Boeing 737 that generate 50,000 pounds of force.
This video was filmed as a joint partnership between Quantas and Tesla in order to further innovation and creative design. The Tesla won on the ground, but as soon as the 737 took off, it becomes obvious which machine is actually faster.

Monday 4 April 2016

10 skills that will help you get a job easily

There’s a lot more to getting a job than just having a degree or qualifications. Employers want somebody who will be beneficial to the company in more than just one way and so the more skills you have, the better your chance at sealing the deal and getting that job. And it’s never too late to increase your skill set and develop yourself as a potential employee.

With this in mind, we discuss 10 skills that will help you to get a job easily.

10. Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally and includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking. Having a logical approach to problem solving an be crucial in saving time and reaching the optimum solution to a problem.
If you think that you lack logic and organised problem solving skills then the first step you need to take is to realise that although some lucky people are naturally better than others, critical thinking is a learnable and developable skill.

9. Active Listening
The ability to listen is another desirable skill that employers look for. And not just sitting there with a smile on your face but actively paying attention, understanding what the person is trying to explain, and the ability to retain and recall the stuff that you hear.
Listening is also crucial in forming appropriate questions and fully understanding exactly what needs to be done. People with a limitted attention span are hardly the sort you want at a meeting table.

8. Computer and electronic skills
We are living in an increasingly digital world. Gone are the days of filing cabinets and handwritten records; whatever occupation you find yourself in there’s a huge chance you’re going to be working with some electronic equipment or computer. Having a skill level in computers above the average person you’ll find yourself in better stead to get the job.
Office software is also widely used across all disciplines of work and so having a little extra knowledge in programs such as Excel and Word is definitely something you want to flaunt.

7. Judgement and Decision Making
Having a good ability to judge a situation is critical for forward thinking. It’s a skill that improves with experience and one you’re sure to learn if you ever make a mistake. However you can speed the learning curve by knowing where gaps in your knowledge are so that you can learn and improve more efficiently, which will also make you a better decision maker as you will have more knowledge to base the decision upon.
It’s good to know what you know and to recognise when you are not sure in something to check it with somebody who would know. The experience of others is crucial to your learning and allows you to develop quicker and better, which in turn offers development for the company too.

6. Time Management
Time management is something employers will definitely be looking for. A person with good time management will often get more work done and able to work better under heavy pressure than those who don’t keep track of the ticking hands.
A punctual person is one who is never late and is good at meeting deadlines and without good time management you can find yourself under even more pressure than necessary. You know what they say, time is money.

5. Team Work Skills
Chances are you’re going to be working with other people and so you need to be able to understand other people well. Good team working skills requires a lot of sub-skills such as patience, respect, listening and interpersonal skills.
Nobody wants a person on the team who is difficult to work with; just one person can disrupt the workflow of everyone in the company.

4. Communication Skills
Another vital skill. You need to be able to explain yourself clearly and quickly; this applies to both verbal and written communication. Bad communication in a company can lead to a plethora of mistakes, but the opposite will save time and result in less mishaps.
Listening also falls under this category, as well as verbal, writing and thinking.

3. Commercial Awareness
We’re sorry Marxists but we do live in a capitalist world. Business is driven by profit and in order to achieve profit you need commercial awareness. It’s also vital to be able to relate to and adopt the company’s vision and targets.
Relative work experience is great to demonstrate this however a strong interest and ability to demonstrate knowledge relating to the product or service will also go down well.

2. Monitoring
You need to be able to reflect on the past to allow you to improve as you go forward. This requires a degree of honesty to oneself to be able to recognise your own flaws and weaknesses and to work on them. No company wants to employ someone who repeats the same mistake over and over again.

1. Sales and Marketing
Actually, even if you are not specialised in business or marketing, you should the principles of marketing and selling products and services. This involves the marketing methods and tactics, product display, sales strategies along with control systems and promotions. This is a very critical skill that needs good negotiations skill.

How to dress for a job interview

So it’s been 4 years (or more) at college and you’ve finally gotten that engineering diploma – what now? Engineering classes have definitely not prepared you for a job interview, so we’ll give you a few tips, starting with how to dress yourself.

Dressing appropriately for a job interview is an essential requirement to get that dream job of yours. It might seem superficial but the way you present yourself is almost as important as a well-written resume or professional experience. The famous “first impression” is also decisive in the first contact between the recruiter and the person applying for the job. It can either help to build an immediate relationship of trust or completely kill your chances of getting the job. So that’s why The Art of Manliness prepared a visual guide and a video on ‘how to dress for a job interview’.

You Can Control This Electric Bike Through the Internet

Innovative electric vehicles have been stirring up a lot of buzz in recent times, but their mechanisms can sometimes be bulky. One company has decided to take electric biking to a whole new level and incorporate bluetooth connectivity into the innovative design. On top of this incredibly functional feature, the Electric S bike looks nothing like you would expect, and there are very few indications that it is actually powered through an electric motor, according to TNW. The short video released by Amsterdam based company VanMoof shows off their product in a new light.

 Naturally, you may be asking why bluetooth would be necessary to integrate into a bike, but it actually provides an even greater level of security to the somewhat expensive design. With a built in locking feature and display monitoring, the battery powered bike can travel 75 miles on a single charge. Adjustable speeds, and all of its other features mean there isn’t much not to like about the incredibly stylish design.


One of the best abilities the user gains when having an internet connected bike is no longer having to hassle with keys, or remembering your bike lock’s combination. Now you can simply unlock the bike with a tap of your screen.

If for some reason a thief does steal your bike, there’s a built in GPS that allows users to recover the bike, with the help of the local authorities of course.

 Now here is the major downside to the Electrified S electric bike, it costs a whopping US$3500, likely leaving the product to only be bought by the very well off. Containing a 250W electric motor, the bicycle can certainly hold its ground for all of your biking needs. If you are someone who rides their bike to work each day, you may be able to justify the several thousand dollar price tag.

 So why don’t you head out and go get yourself a stylish electric bike? Oh, yeah we forgot, it costs as much as some used cars . . . Well you could always save up for one. As technological innovation meets centuries old mechanisms, the future is looking pretty bright for the recreation industry.


See What Happens to Molten Copper in a Coconut

See What Happens to Molten Copper in a Coconut

When you mix molten metal with random objects, endless amount of fun and entertainment is created as you watch the metal react in all sorts of ways. You probably have never wondered what pouring molten copper into a hollowed out coconut would look like, but it’s actually pretty intriguing.  Youtuber Tito4re has many videos where he pours molten metal into various fruits and even onto a McDonald’s Big Mac! Check out what copper does inside of a coconut in the video below.

The first step of filling a coconut with molten copper is of course drilling a hole and pouring out the coconut milk. After melting down some copper in a forge, you can pour the flowing metal inside the coconut and watch the whole thing sputter! It’s pretty crazy to watch a coconut shake around like it is getting ready to explode right in front of you.

 Once the copper is all done making a mess, the Youtuber pours water over the still hot metal in order to cool it down so he can remove it from its coconut casing. With a trusty hammer, he then breaks the mold out of the shell to reveal . . . a deformed coconut shaped copper blob, yay science!

 The internet is a marvelous place where people can make a living simply by pouring really hot things into normal temperature things, and that’s cool. While copper and a coconut may not have made the coolest thing ever, Aluminum does some awesome stuff when poured into a tank of clear polymer balls.

Insanely Useful DIY Mini Dremel

If you consider yourself a handyman, you probably own a Dremel or other small rotary tool to help out with those finicky projects. In case you wanted to make yourself a rotary cutting tool to add to your tool chest, or maybe just play around with some motors, we’ve got you covered. This project is super simple but the end result is a pretty amazing cutting tool that uses an old bottle cap for the blade! Check out how to make yourself a useful mini Dremel for cheap with just a few materials below.

I know that the first thing I did after seeing this video was make a list of everything I needed and head to the store. So here’s what you’ll need: A 9V battery, battery clip, hot glue, a small motor, a 2 terminal switch, tape, a ballpoint pen, a hammer, scissors, and a knife. While that may sound like a lot, you should be able to find most of that around your house, and the rest at your local hardware store.

It is actually a fairly simple design, and in the video he uses it to cut through some fairly tiny sticks of wood. You could probably cut through a 2×4 with this, but it would likely take you several hours, and many batteries of work. The one nice thing about this design is that if your bottle cap blade ever dulls down, simply pull it off and hot glue another one right on.

While you’re looking for a motor too, the MOXER drive motor available here, could be incorporated into this build as well to fully automize the cutting process.


Sunday 3 April 2016

Clash Royale Mod of Show Range When Deployed (xmodgames)

Clash Royale Mod of Show Range When Deployed
Show Attack Range when Deployed

From the mod 1.1.4 on Android Device on, this feature is added. 

The attack range of your OWN ranged units will be shown when you're holding the troop and about to place it in the arena. 
NOTE: It ONLY applies to units that have an attack range of more than two tiles. 

HOW to use it:
  1. Install or update the mod for Clash Royale.
  2. Tap on Xbot and then Xmod to mod.
  3. Then turn the feature 【Show Attack Range when Deployed】 ON, and you can use it directly in game.


This straightforward feature help you find sweet point for ranged troops, esp. in defense, when deploying them.
So you can enjoy the best advantage of distance in defense or offense. 

Highly recommended by pro players to use to defend against a) Giants, Balloons, Golems and b) swarming troops
where a) the exclamation mark (!) is not available in the original version becuz of the loss of mutual attack interests;
           b) Too many distractions (i.e. too many ! marks) to decide where is the safest place to deploy 

Voila! It helps me defend against Giants and get 3 crowns!

How to Sandbox with Full Traps in LIVE Replay with Clash of Clans MOD (xmodedgames)

How to Sandbox with Full Traps in LIVE Replay with Clash of Clans MOD

In last versions of COC updates in Clash of Clans MOD v. 3.2.2 iOS and v.2.5.3 Android
  1. Real-time traps/teslas has been fixed
  2. Removal of untriggered traps from Clan War has affected how Sandbox from Replay works.

=About Realtime Traps/Teslas=
Realtime traps/teslas are fixed in real-time battles, no matter in Farming or in Clan War. 
So, if you turn the feature ON, and everything goes well, you should be seeing all traps/teslas displayed in ALL real attacks. 
You can also turn it OFF if you don't want it in the next battle. 

=About Sandbox From Replay=
Here are a few facts we should know beforehand:
a. Untriggered traps are those unactivated by a player (e.g. not stepped by Barbs) in a real battle. 
b. ONLY triggered traps will be left to be recorded in Normal Replay.
So we can't sandbox from replay perfectly with full traps in MOST cases becuz we are barely not able to trigger all traps in one attack attempt.

But Xmodders and Xmodgamers also found that
c. Traps data can still be saved from LIVE replays (i.e. Replay during an attack attempt of a clan member against your rival)
d. Trap data will be cleared once you exit Clash of Clans or watch another replay.   

This means there's still a chance for you & clanmates to watch LIVE battles during the war and Sandbox PERFECTLY the base you watched.
However, be careful not to lose the trap data you got becuz of fact d. 

How Things We Should Plan in the Clan War:

=For Chiefs & Leaders in Clan=
Before the first attack:
   1. Gather all members and decide who plays the "Scouter", who helps to reveal traps for others in the first attack and who plays the "Attackers" for the second round.
   2. Pair them up as a team and schedule their ONLINE timetable for watching LIVE replays (due to different time zones). 

before the attack pair group_副本.jpg

=For the Scouter=
The first attack for real: 
   3. All members in Clan war online, Turn ON Real-time Traps/Teslas and Sandbox from Replay 
menu before the attack_副本.jpg
   4. For the Scouter: Tell all members esp. the partner Attacker that YOU'RE going to attack. 
scout done_1.jpg

      In the battle, with the help of Realtime Traps/Teslas, scout as many traps as posible in the attacking path in Clan War for the first attack.
      Best practice: deploy ground and air troops to scout from ground to air. The more traps triggered, the more accurate will be the sandbox map for NORMAL replay.
scouter view realtime traps.jpg

   5. And be careful! If the replay has only ground units, when you plan to sandbox with air units. You won't trigger any air traps in the simulation. 
  =For the Attacker=
Before the second attack:
attacker settings.jpg
   6. While the Scouter is attacking the enemy, his partner - the "Attacker" and all others online tap on "Watch LIVE" for replay. Then full trap data will be saved in the LIVE replay.   
attacker view watch LIVE.jpg
   7. As the Attacker and those who watched LIVE replay have obtained all trap data, they can easily Sandbox Now. Turn ON "Sandbox Attack" at the same base after the Scouter finishes the attack.
   8. Tap on "Scout" and they can Sandbox PERFECTLY anytime you want!  This is YOUR PLAN A

PLAN A: Sandbox with LIVE full trap data. (Recommended)
Plan A Careful scout don't watch another replay.jpg
   9. You can alter and modify different combos in the Sandbox, too. NOTE: 

a. Don't exit the game or watch another REPLAY yet! Or the saved full trap data will be lost forever!
b. If unfortunately, you lost full trap data of LIVE replay, the Attacker can turn to PLAN B (i.e. Sandbox with Triggered Trap Data from NORMAL replay by the Scouter in the first round).
PLAN B: Sandbox with triggered trap data from watching a normal replay of the first round. 
  Plan B_副本.jpg

The second attack for real:
1. With LIVE & NORMAL Replay data in Sandbox, the "Attacker" should be well practised enough and get full advantage from "Real-time traps" to score 3-stars for real!
attacker view after LIVE replay_副本.jpg

Xmod is finding a way to save LIVE replay for all Xmod users. Stay tuned!

This Scarlett Johansson Robot is the Creepiest Thing Ever

The Mirror reports a 42 year-old man named Ricky Ma has built a $50,000 humanoid robot named Mark 1 from scratch. He’s not revealing the name of the Hollywood actress it was modeled after, but one look at the robot immediately gives it away: Scarlett Johansson. I would be curious to find out what Scarlett Johansson herself thinks of this robot lookalike. If I was the real Scarlett Johansson, I imagine it would be hard to go to sleep at night, knowing that a robotic doppelganger sits or stands somewhere in Hong Kong, eyes never shutting. Equally disturbing would be the idea of this lookalike robot responding to Ma’s incessant commands with a canned, programmed, “Hehe, thank you.” The future, er, the present, just got that much creepier.

Ricky Ma is a product and graphic designer and when he began building his robot, had no in-depth knowledge of coding, robotics or electromechanics. He taught himself everything about robot construction as he went along, which took about a year and a half. He admitted that it was incredibly difficult to build all the parts from scratch. Ma said,

      “During this process, a lot of people would say things like, ‘Are you stupid? This takes a lot of money. Do you even know how to do it? It’s really hard.'”

He built Mark 1 in near total isolation and told Yip he didn’t know anyone else who was currently building a robot in Hong Kong. He also told the Reuters journalist that few in his city understood his mission to build a robot. Ma admitted that he has been obsessed with building a robot since his childhood. He said he loved animation and cartoons as a child and never quite stopped loving them.

The humanoid robot’s silicone skin covers a 3D printed skeleton and 70% of the body was created using 3D printing technology. Mark 1 responds to a set of a programmed verbal commands that Ma speaks into a microphone. The robot can perform simple movements with its arms and legs, can turn its head and bow as well. Additionally, Mark 1 can create highly detailed facial expressions.

Ingenious Hippo Water Roller is improving access to water in Africa

In some rural parts of Africa, people, especially women and children spend up to 26% of their time fetching water for drinking and cooking, washing and other needs. The images of women carrying water jars on their heads are a traditional postcard of Africa, but these people, in addition to wasting a lot of time on this daily struggle, often suffer from long-term injuries due to the heavy load carried inappropriately.

Ingenious Hippo Water Roller is improving access to water in Africa

January 10, 2016

In some rural parts of Africa, people, especially women and children spend up to 26% of their time fetching water for drinking and cooking, washing and other needs. The images of women carrying water jars on their heads are a traditional postcard of Africa, but these people, in addition to wasting a lot of time on this daily struggle, often suffer from long-term injuries due to the heavy load carried inappropriately.
Two African engineers have developed an invention that is changing this reality, and has been improving millions of lives since it was first established in 1994. The ‘Hippo Water Roller‘ is a simple device for carrying water more easily and efficiently. It consists of a barrel-shaped container which holds the water and can roll along the ground, and a handle attached to the axis of the barrel. The tank holds up to 90 liters, far more than a person can carry on their head. Furthermore, in a more complex model it counts with a pump and a filter to purify the water for drinking purposes.

Solar Powered Backpack Contains Everything You Need

The days of trying to cram all of your stuff into your backpack with little to no organization are now over, and you can even charge your phone from this new innovative bag. The Lifepack is a solar powered anti-theft backpack that has an endless list of features for all of your daily needs. With the modern workforce shifting to a more mobile and flexible industry, the need for an ergonomic bag that can function as more than just a simple backpack has been growing rapidly. Now with the Lifepack, available here, you never have to hassle with taking your work with you again.

One of the key features of the backpack is the ability to charge your phone through the built in solar panel which also doubles as a portable bluetooth speaker. Along with this, there are 4 hidden compartments so you can store all of your personal goods while on the go.

There truly has yet to be a backpack that has all of the features incorporated into the Lifepack, which  has over US$200,000 offunding on Kickstarter! For those of you that want to get on board, students can get the bag for US$125 and everyone else for US$149. If you actually take the time to purchase all of the components individually featured in the Lifepack, it would cost you over 400 dollars, so it is a great deal.

Getting caught in the rain while out and about can also be quite a hassle, butLifepack has you covered in this realm as well. Made from a durable water resistant material, you never have to worry about the contents of the bag getting wet.

With 28 days left to go on Kickstarter, the project has far exceeded its funding goal. Once funding reaches US$500K a new stealth black version of the bag will be released to celebrate. The mobile office has been reinvented with the Lifepack and traveling with your belongings will never be the same again.

Ingenious Hippo Water Roller is improving access to water in Africa

In some rural parts of Africa, people, especially women and children spend up to 26% of their time fetching water for drinking and cooking, washing and other needs. The images of women carrying water jars on their heads are a traditional postcard of Africa, but these people, in addition to wasting a lot of time on this daily struggle, often suffer from long-term injuries due to the heavy load carried inappropriately.

Two African engineers have developed an invention that is changing this reality, and has been improving millions of lives since it was first established in 1994. The ‘Hippo Water Roller‘ is a simple device for carrying water more easily and efficiently. It consists of a barrel-shaped container which holds the water and can roll along the ground, and a handle attached to the axis of the barrel. The tank holds up to 90 liters, far more than a person can carry on their head. Furthermore, in a more complex model it counts with a pump and a filter to purify the water for drinking purposes.

Considering these families that need the water roller can’t really afford them, they are delivered through sponsors. According to the Hippo Water Roller Project, “approximately 46,000 sponsored Hippo rollers have been distributed in at least 20 countries directly benefiting at least 300,000 beneficiaries with an average of 7 per household.”