Showing posts with label dress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dress. Show all posts

Monday 4 April 2016

How to dress for a job interview

So it’s been 4 years (or more) at college and you’ve finally gotten that engineering diploma – what now? Engineering classes have definitely not prepared you for a job interview, so we’ll give you a few tips, starting with how to dress yourself.

Dressing appropriately for a job interview is an essential requirement to get that dream job of yours. It might seem superficial but the way you present yourself is almost as important as a well-written resume or professional experience. The famous “first impression” is also decisive in the first contact between the recruiter and the person applying for the job. It can either help to build an immediate relationship of trust or completely kill your chances of getting the job. So that’s why The Art of Manliness prepared a visual guide and a video on ‘how to dress for a job interview’.