Showing posts with label money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label money. Show all posts

Wednesday 20 December 2017

Trojan horse

Trojan Horse
Nampak kuda besar tu tak? mesti ada citer ni. Kisah ini dari hikayat Greek lama yang dikarang oleh sasterawan terkenal Greek purba iaitu Homer. Kisah Trojan Horse ni adalah salah satu kisah hebat yang terdapat di dalam bukunya iaitu Iliad, Ada yang kata ianya hanya mitos dan ada pula yang mengatakan ianya adalah sejarah purba kerana terdapat tanda2nya sehingga ke hari ini.
Kisah ini berlaku kalau mengikut kata pakar2 sejarah, lebih kurang 3000 tahun yang lalu. Kira sezaman dengan 'Egypt Old Kingdom'. Di Greek purba, terdapat pelbagai kerajaan kota dan yang terkuat ialah Mycenae dan Sparta. Raja yang memerintah Mycenae ni ialah Argamemnon. Boleh dikatakan hampir kseluruhan Greek berjaya disatukan dibawah Mycenae kecuali kerajaan Athens (Athens ni kuat juga terutama naval forces). Kemudian Mycenae ni ada jajahan takluknya dan juga kerajaan2 yang membayar ufti kepada Argamemnon. Salah satu kerajaan sahabat (bayar ufti ) ialah sebuah kerajaan kaya iaitu Troy.
Troy ni letaknya di Dardanelles, Turki sekarang ni. Ok, apa kaitan dengan kuda besar tu? Ok kita mulakan kisah, Argamemnon telah menjemput wakil2 seluruh wilayah di bawahnya untuk datang ke Mycenae untuk satu majlis keraian kerana Mycenae telah menang besar dalam satu peperangan. Kerajaan Troy telah menghantar 2 puteranya iaitu Hector dan Paris. Kesemua mereka berkumpul di situ dan celebrate apa2 yang patut, Kemudian adik Raja Argamemnon iaitu Manelaus yang juga Raja Sparta telah tiba dimajlis tersebut dengan isterinya yang jelita, namanya ialah Helen.
Semua mata tertumpu ke arah Helen. Tetapi ada seorang putera ni, tumpuan dia luarbiasa, dia dah jadi asyik masyuk apabila melihat Helen, putera yang dmaksudkan ialah Paris, adik kepada Hector dari kerajaan Troy. Paris telah berazam walau macam mana pun dia mesti nak dapatkan Helen ni. Rupa2nya Paris telah berjaya menambat hati Helen. Helen pun suka (Helen sebenarnya tertekan bersuamikan Manelaus yang zalim ni). Jadi mereka berdua membuat rancangan unutk melarikan diri menaiki kapal ke Troy tanpa pengetahuan Hector.
Dipendekkan citer, mereka berjaya sampai ke Troy. Raja Troy, Hector dan menteri2 sungguh terkejut. mereka suruh Paris hantar balik Helen tapi Paris berkeras membantah. Ndak tak nak Raja Troy terimalah jugak Helen. Di Mycanea, Argamemnon dan Manelaus dah tahu Helen dilarikan Paris. Kerajaan Mycenae dan Sparta menggembelingkan sebanyak seribu buah kapal (galley) nak pi attack Troy. Ada pepatah Inggeris yang berbunyi, "A face could launch a thousand ship" Kisah Helen inilah. Serangan ni berlaku lebihkurang pada tahun 1194 SM dan ianya berlangsung selama 10 tahun hingga 1184 SM.
Selepas mendarat, Mycenae dan Sparta cuba menyerang berkali2 ke atas Troy tetapi gagal kerana kubunya yang begitu kuat. Troy pula mempunyai barisan pemanah terhandal. Selama 10 tahun mereka mencuba tetap gagal, akhirnya timbul satu idea dari Mycenae. Mereka membuat satu kuda kayu yang cukup besar dari kayu kapal2 galley mereka.dan keseluruhan armada bergerak meninggalkan pantai Troy. Ianya seperti hadiah menang peranglah kepada kerajaan Troy. Peninjau Troy kemudiannya mengesahkan terdapat sebuah kuda kayu besar di pantai dan tiada lagi kapal2 musuh berlabuh.
Tentera Troy kemudiannya membawa kuda tu masuk ke kubu dan rakyat Troy berpesta meraikan kemenangan mereka. Rupa2nya ianya adalah satu perangkap bagi Troy. Terdapat 20 orang askar Greek di dalam kuda kayu tu. Pada malam hari setelah semua tertidur kepenatan akibat pesta, askar Greek keluar dari kuda tu dan terus membuka pintu besar kubu Troy. Sebenarnya armada Mycenae dan Sparta tidak pulang ke Greek, mereka sebenarnya berlindung di sebuah lagun dan akan menyerang Troy bila pintu kubu dibuka.
Setelah dibuka maka berduyun duyunlah tentera Greek masuk ke kota Troy dan massacre pun berlaku, Kota Troy musnah teruk, Keseluruhan tentera Troy hancur dan Raja Troy sendiri terbunuh. Walaubagaimanapun terdapat juga rakyat Troy yang terselamat dan mereka melarikan diri hingga ke Italy, Ini termasuklah punca peperangan ini berlaku iaitu Paris dan Helen. Dan adalah dipercayai, mereka inilah nenek moyang kepada bangsa Roman yang akan mendominasi eropah dan lautan Mediterranean pada kemudian hari. Ingat filem Troy? Ingat Brad Pitt jadi Achilles?
Gambar - Gambaran pelukis Tojan Horse, banyak versi sebenarnya lukisan kuda trojan ni.

Monday 4 April 2016

How to dress for a job interview

So it’s been 4 years (or more) at college and you’ve finally gotten that engineering diploma – what now? Engineering classes have definitely not prepared you for a job interview, so we’ll give you a few tips, starting with how to dress yourself.

Dressing appropriately for a job interview is an essential requirement to get that dream job of yours. It might seem superficial but the way you present yourself is almost as important as a well-written resume or professional experience. The famous “first impression” is also decisive in the first contact between the recruiter and the person applying for the job. It can either help to build an immediate relationship of trust or completely kill your chances of getting the job. So that’s why The Art of Manliness prepared a visual guide and a video on ‘how to dress for a job interview’.

Sunday 3 April 2016

Solar Powered Backpack Contains Everything You Need

The days of trying to cram all of your stuff into your backpack with little to no organization are now over, and you can even charge your phone from this new innovative bag. The Lifepack is a solar powered anti-theft backpack that has an endless list of features for all of your daily needs. With the modern workforce shifting to a more mobile and flexible industry, the need for an ergonomic bag that can function as more than just a simple backpack has been growing rapidly. Now with the Lifepack, available here, you never have to hassle with taking your work with you again.

One of the key features of the backpack is the ability to charge your phone through the built in solar panel which also doubles as a portable bluetooth speaker. Along with this, there are 4 hidden compartments so you can store all of your personal goods while on the go.

There truly has yet to be a backpack that has all of the features incorporated into the Lifepack, which  has over US$200,000 offunding on Kickstarter! For those of you that want to get on board, students can get the bag for US$125 and everyone else for US$149. If you actually take the time to purchase all of the components individually featured in the Lifepack, it would cost you over 400 dollars, so it is a great deal.

Getting caught in the rain while out and about can also be quite a hassle, butLifepack has you covered in this realm as well. Made from a durable water resistant material, you never have to worry about the contents of the bag getting wet.

With 28 days left to go on Kickstarter, the project has far exceeded its funding goal. Once funding reaches US$500K a new stealth black version of the bag will be released to celebrate. The mobile office has been reinvented with the Lifepack and traveling with your belongings will never be the same again.

Ingenious Hippo Water Roller is improving access to water in Africa

In some rural parts of Africa, people, especially women and children spend up to 26% of their time fetching water for drinking and cooking, washing and other needs. The images of women carrying water jars on their heads are a traditional postcard of Africa, but these people, in addition to wasting a lot of time on this daily struggle, often suffer from long-term injuries due to the heavy load carried inappropriately.

Two African engineers have developed an invention that is changing this reality, and has been improving millions of lives since it was first established in 1994. The ‘Hippo Water Roller‘ is a simple device for carrying water more easily and efficiently. It consists of a barrel-shaped container which holds the water and can roll along the ground, and a handle attached to the axis of the barrel. The tank holds up to 90 liters, far more than a person can carry on their head. Furthermore, in a more complex model it counts with a pump and a filter to purify the water for drinking purposes.

Considering these families that need the water roller can’t really afford them, they are delivered through sponsors. According to the Hippo Water Roller Project, “approximately 46,000 sponsored Hippo rollers have been distributed in at least 20 countries directly benefiting at least 300,000 beneficiaries with an average of 7 per household.”